Looking for Inspo

Here are some resources you may find helpful!

As mentioned on my Counselling Page, I provide homework to help anchor what we discuss in session, and provide you with tools for change. Thus, I’m always on the lookout for resources to share. Below you will find examples of that material.


Wheel of Life Package

Smart Goals

Self Compassion

Healthy Mind Platter

Planner Package

Journaling Practice


Self Compassion Exercises

Self Compassion tends to be something which is often overlooked. I’ve done training delivered by Dr. Kristin Neff and love the resources provided on her website.

Mindfulness with R.A.I.N

I was introduced to the work of Tara Brach after accidentally stumbling on her podcast. I’ve found her take on R.A.I.N to be very helpful with clients, and have gotten good feedback.

Meditation & Self Awareness

Often we begin our healing and wellness journey and don’t know where to start. If you are familiar with the Calm app, this site has some great resources to get you started.


Videos are a quick and easy way to gain new information. Here are some videos that have great messages.

“How to Deal with Anxiety”
“6 Ways to Exercise Self-Compassion”
“Why Mindfulness is a Superpower”
“Cultivating Unconditional Self Worth”
“Let’s Call Perfectionism What it Really is”
“How Changing your Story Can Change Your Life”


Balanced Black Girl

I believe in total wellness, and this podcast delivers. Whether it be health, finances or a dose of inspiration.

Unlocking Us with Brene Brown

Brene Brown has done phenomenol work around courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy.

Oprah Super


I have always been a fan of Oprah, and love the great wisdom that her guests share with her.

Information Package

My website in a document! You can download my information package as a reference to my services. Please feel free to share with your network.