Hello there!

My name is Deon Ambersley, an Ontario based Therapist and Life Coach, with a focus on Women’s Issues & Women’s Wellness. I want to take a moment and share, a very powerful quote.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”

This quote from Marianne Williamson is a powerful statement that challenges our thoughts about fear. She suggests that we are capable of achieving much more than we realize, but our own fears and doubts hold us back from fully realizing our potential. It is the fear of shining brightly, being successful and standing out that often holds us back, rather than any actual limitations or inadequacies. It is the cloud of self-doubt, we may live under.

Rather than looking at fear from the perspective of “not enough” it holds up a mirror and makes us question, could it also be that we are afraid of “being too much”. Putting ourselves into the world, to potentially be judged or criticized.

I believe we deserve to live our lives unapologetically.

However, we can not do this, if we continuously dim our lights, and minimize who we are. I work with so many women who are hiding in plain sight. Feeling overwhelmed and unworthy. Often afraid to use their voice, or allow themselves to be seen. Constantly, questioning themselves, and prioritizing everyone’s happiness; while silently feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.

This is why I do the work that I do.

I have worked with countless women from all walks of life, who repeatedly doubt themselves, despite how amazing they are. As a matter of fact, I don’t really know a woman who doesn’t question herself from time to time. Whether it be in her role of mother, partner, employee, friend, etc it’s either “Am I doing enough?” or “Am I enough?”

Coming with over 18 years of experience, I am here to help answer that question with a resounding “Abso Frickin Lutely!!!! There is greatness in each and every one of us, and sometimes we just need someone to hear us, affirm us, and teach us how to have the audacity to be our absolute best self. To help us challenge expectations, and give us permission to experience the fullness of who we are.

I want to be that person for you.

My work as a Therapist and Coach is to give you the tools to go out there, and…..

Live Unapologetially and Shine Brightly like a Diamond!

I have a Master’s of Social Work from the University of Toronto and a certificate in Health and Wellness Coaching from Humber College, and come with over 18 years of work experience. I am also a woman who has gone through her own trials and tribulations on her journey of womanhood, so I can relate to how tough it is. Juggling the demands of life, while still maintaining a positive sense of self.

As women, there are so many different versions of us, it can be very difficult to figure out what to choose. However, with some skill development, introspection, and a bit of courage; we can tap into the best of who we are.

I would be ever so honored to help you tap into the greatest version of you.  

Check out my services page and blog to learn more about me and what I can do to help you write the best chapter of your life!

Contact Me: info@deonambersley.com or check out my Contact Page

“There is no limit to what we women can accomplish” Michelle Obama

let us push that limit together

Fun facts about me…

My favorite holiday…


What song gets me going….

Hard to choose I love music, but the 90’s was special!

One day I intend to….

Write a novel

Favorite Self Care Activity….


What I would tell my younger self…

Dream bigger

If I could go back to a country it would be…

Bali, Indonesia

One skill I wish I had…

Being a great singer

Somewhere I’d love to travel…

South Africa

Why Work With Me:



Change can be hard. I am here to provide the right knowledge and support to make it easier. If you’ve been trying to make change for awhile and have hit a block, I’m here to help you keep going.



With over 18 years of work experience and knowledge, I will use this to provide you with the highest quality of service. I am constantly training and keeping up with my field.


Client Centred

I believe you are the expert of your life. That is why I see myself as your co pilot. I’m here to understand your specific needs and help you come up with your own unique solutions.