How to Embrace Change: Understanding the Change Process

Change is a process that involves time, effort, and patience. The desire to change typically comes when we recognize that a situation no longer serves us and we want to experience something differently. Change can come from frustration, or simply desire. The desire to want to see or experience something different.

It is due to this desire that it is natural for us to want to see immediate results when we set out to make a change. We often have come to a point where we are tired of something, and are ready for something new. However, it is very important to remember that change is a process, and it takes time to modify and adjust.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to embrace your season of change, how to accept that progress doesn’t happen overnight, and highlight some tips and strategies for being gentle with yourself throughout the journey.

Change is a process

Embracing Your Season of Change

Change is one of the constants in life. It happens all around us, whether we’re ready for it or not. Some changes can be so exciting that when we take that first step, we expect change to happen quickly. We see the potential difference, and want to action it immediately. While we’re eager to see results right away and feel like we’re making progress, the truth is, change doesn’t happen overnight.

Whether it’s a mindset change like working through emotional trauma, anxiety, or depression, or a life change like changing careers, starting a business, or adopting new habits, progress is often slow and steady. We have to remember, that if we’ve been a certain way for a set period of time, it will take time to unlearn and relearn a new way of being. But even though change can be slow, every small step counts. Each time we make a conscious effort to do things differently, we’re planting the seeds of change.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are our habits, behaviors, or circumstances. As previously stated, change often requires unlearning old habits and replacing them with new ones, and it’s easy to fall back into old patterns. But that’s okay, with consistent effort you can keep moving forward, learn from your mistakes, and make lasting changes.

Be Gentle with Yourself

One of the biggest challenges of change is learning to be patient with ourselves. When change doesn’t happen as quickly as we’d like, we can get discouraged and sometimes even self critical. But we have to remember that change is a journey, not a destination. It’s okay to take small steps and make progress at your own pace.

Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated and show yourself compassion during the process of change:

1.    Set Realistic Goals and Expectations for Yourself

Don’t try to change everything all at once. Instead, focus on one or two small changes that you can realistically make and stick to. This will help you build momentum and feel more accomplished as you see yourself make progress toward your larger goals. I often discourage clients from completely overhauling their lives when making changes. It can feel good at the moment, however, can be difficult to maintain. Pick one or two small changes and then build from there.

2. Celebrate Your Successes, No Matter How Small

Congratulate yourself for making progress, and acknowledge the effort that you’re putting in. We can often overlook our wins when they don’t seem “big” enough. However, if we look at change as a process, every step is a win; as it is a step in the right direction. Don’t just wait for the big moments, celebrate yourself as you go along. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

When you experience setbacks or obstacles, don’t beat yourself up or give up on your goals – instead, try to learn from the experience and use it as motivation to keep going. It is very easy for us to turn on ourselves when the change process isn’t going the way we envisioned. Activate your self-compassion, and be willing to recognize those wins. The road is not going to always be a smooth one. We also need to remember that sometimes we do all the right things and still don’t get the result we want when we want. However, this doesn’t mean that our goal is not going to be met. If you don’t feel you have much to celebrate, celebrate the fact that you’ve started the journey. This will surely keep you motivated and focused on your goal.

Remember to be kind to yourself

4. Trust the Process

Change takes time, and it’s okay if you don’t see results right away. As a matter of fact, with most things, you will not see results right away. However, if you keep focused, you should eventually see the changes you are looking for. Think of planting a garden. We may put the seeds in the soil, and not see anything for days and weeks, but we trust that we will eventually see the bloom. Think of your change process in this way. With each step you take, is you planting and nurturing your seeds. Keep working towards your goals, and trust that the effort you’re putting in will pay off in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Change doesn’t happen all at once. It is definitely a process. This is why being gentle and patient with yourself while waiting for change is an important part of the process. Set realistic goals, celebrate your successes, be kind to yourself when you experience setbacks, and trust the process. With time and patience, you will achieve your goals and make the changes you want to see in your life. Sometimes we have to look at it as a marathon and not a sprint. And remember, every step we take towards our goals is a step in the right direction, no matter how small.

If you need help with starting your change process reach out on my contact page, or set up a no charge consultation, and I would be delighted to help!

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